Thursday, 12 May 2016

Are You An Atheists? See The 5 Crystal Proofs That God Truly Exists

Ever heard atheists argue that there just is not enough evidence to prove the existence of God? Some go as far as saying "God is omnipresent and is everywhere, then show me God in order to believe he exists". Well, the bible says God is a Spirit so I can't literally show you God (I haven't seen him either) but that doesn't prove that he doesn't exist. Simply because I can't show you air doesn't mean that it doesn't exist in the room you occupy right now. However, I can show you the influence of this
'invisible' air when it knocks down a 'visible' object or flips open the pages of a book. here is an attempt to candidly show that God has made himself evident for man to perceive.

1. God reveals Himself through nature
If you are a nature-lover or have ever taken the time to appreciate the beauty of the natural world around you, you can see the handiwork that points to an incredibly intelligent creator and designer. Look at the beauty of the sunset, the awe you experience watching the earth's polar lights in the sky (aurora), the glory of the night sky with all the stars, the dawning of the day with the blades of grass glistening like diamonds as the sunlight bounces off tiny water droplets of dew, you would ask yourself questions like "would mindless and impersonal physical forces or a chain of chance-like events need or care to make something this beautiful that man can appreciate?" One would have to be willfully ignorant to attribute all the intricacies found in nature to random chaotic events. A close look at nature reveals an intricate level of design that points undeniably to an intelligent Designer (Psalms 19:1-4). Nevertheless, some still live in denial.

2. Our Planet Earth.
The perfection of the Earth in relation to it's support of the billions of life in it never seizes to amaze. Earth is the only known planet equipped with an atmosphere of the right mixture of gases to sustain plant, animal and human life. This is attributed to it's perfect size and corresponding gravitational pull which causes it to be able to hold the right amount of oxygen and nitrogen adequate for life. If the earth were larger, it would contain an unreasonable amount of free hydrogen in its atmosphere. If it were smaller, it may not have an atmosphere large enough to protect the planet from solar and cosmic radiations from space. Still think this is co-incidence ? Let's look at the Earth's position in space as well.

NASA places the diameter of our solar system at a humongous 288,000,000,000 km. Dispersed within this wide space are 8 planets (including Earth). The distance from Earth to the sun is at about 150,000,000 km which is the perfect distance for Earth to be inhabitable. If the Earth were any further away from the sun, we would freeze. Any closer and we would burn up. With 8 planets dispersed within such a wide range of our solar system's diameter, you can calculate for yourself the probability of luckily finding a planet at that exact distance from the sun (that is not too far and not too close), then you decide for yourself if we were just ridiculously lucky or it was placed there by intent. Even a fractional variance in the Earth's position to the sun would make life on Earth impossible. The Earth remains this perfect distance from the sun while it rotates around the sun at a speed of nearly 67,000 mph. It is also rotating on its axis, allowing the entire surface of the Earth to be properly warmed and cooled every day.

3. Complexity of living organisms
From all I learned in biology classes, it would require an unreasonable level of faith to believe that highly complex biochemical reactions like oxidation phosphorylation, photosynthesis, enzymatic breakdown of ingested food, our amazing immune system, transmission of nervous impulses through the body, e.t.c, resulted out of mere chance. Even if I came into the world yesterday, I can't look at the twin towers and attribute them to forces of nature, thinking to myself "the wind, after several years, must have pushed all these blocks into place". These are amazingly complex and inter-linked reactions going on in us daily of which I'm sure that the best of scientists can't think up or create such a system so complex and independent. Still, scientists wouldn't admit the intelligence behind these processes. Let's look at blood clot formation for example. The reason why animal's don't bleed out till death after they get a cut is simply because of this complexly designed process. A cascade of events involving 12 different factors ensues when a blood vessel is broken. This linked events all lead to the formation of a clot at the site of bleeding in order to occlude the opening in the vessel. If just 1 of these 12 factors were missing, blood clot formation would be impossible and it would be a normal phenomenon for one to bleed to death after having an accident as minor as a paper cut. Yet all 12 factors (not 7,8 or 11) are currently present in the blood to initiate this reaction when needed. What's even more amazing is that these factors are present in your blood as you read this, yet they don't start forming the clots within the blood vessels because that would potentially kill you. They only initiate this process when you have a cut. That's just amazing if you ask me. This is just an example out of thousands of intelligent systems in nature. Do you really think such systems were built by chance or a highly intelligent being?

4. Theist Scientists
Most atheists often have this wrong ideology of "God VS Science". This is totally absurd because God himself is a scientist (the best at that) as we've seen in the above mentioned points. God made all scientific and universal laws and was in fact scientific in all his creation. God was actually leaving clues of his existence by showing his brilliance and intelligence in the works of nature and his intent was for man to search them out and acknowledge him (Proverbs 25:2). Many of the smartest human geniuses that have worked the earth were theist. These were really smart people who had knowledge of scientific laws and based most of their works on facts and scientific evidences. Yet, they didn't think it foolish to believe in a superior intelligent being. Why? Because they couldn't help but recognize God's signatures dispersed in the details along the quest of their research works. Some of these theist scientists include: Gregor Mendel, Galileo Galilei, Louis Pasteur, Michael Faraday, Isaac Newton, Blaise Pascal and even famous Albert Einstein to name a few. The more we go deeper in scientific discoveries, the more of God we see. It's however unfortunate and sad that most current scientists have refused to acknowledge this glaring truth (2 Corinthians 4:4).

5. God exists because he impresses this fact in the heart of men
The bible says the truth of God has been made known to man instinctively, for God put this knowledge in their hearts. Yet, some push the truth away from themselves (Romans 1:18,19). This shows that God made it unavoidable for man to see or feel his existence. God did not leave us to wander alone, aimlessly hoping that somehow we would stumble across the truth, which He intends for us to recognize. God wants us to find Him; therefore, He reaches out to us. Sometimes you wonder why the atheist goes through so much trouble just to discredit the bible or refute the idea that a God he doesn't even believe in exists. The atheist probably doesn't yet realize that the reason the topic of God weighs so heavily on his mind is simply because God is impressing it. God wants to be known. He made man unique from other creatures with the intent that we would seek and know him. He not only surrounded us with evidence of himself but He keeps the question of his existence squarely before us. God is presently nudging the hearts of people so that they might realize their sinful condition, the inevitable coming judgment, and their need of a Savior (John 16:8-11). The underlying reason atheists are bothered by people believing in God is because God is actively seeking them.

I know many atheist would go through this post in order to refute the ideas highlighted, but I'm not here to disprove atheism. I'm just here to cause the reader to really think for himself in an unbiased and neutral manner on these things. Regardless of what you may have heard, the truth the bible teaches is that God intensely loves you unconditionally. He is not going to love you more if you convert to a believer. He already loves you intensely, that's why he was willing to come in form of man and personally receive the punishment on the cross for the sins you've committed in the past or would ever commit in the future (John 3:16; Romans 5:3-8 ). The misconception that God punishes people in hell because they sin or refuse to love him is not the truth of the bible. Rather, the bible teaches that though we are guilty of many sins, God justifies us anyways and gives us eternal life if we accept and receive it through faith in Christ's sacrifice (Romans 5:16). The reason why anyone would go to hell fire is not because of this person's numerous sins. No!, it has been established that everyone (including the Christian) is born a sinner and commits sin. Yet, People are only judged guilty because they refused to receive the justification and eternal life freely given to them by Christ. It would really be shameful and agonizingly regretful to see yourself in hell not because you were morally the worst person on earth, but because you were too prideful to receive the gift of life that was already given to you freely by Christ. Choose life today if you haven't. God loves you.

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